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Téléchargement d'une page
2018-03-12, How can I download a copy of my Page ?
- Sur la "page" , cliquer sur Settings (en haut à droite)
- Dans l'onglet General, cliquer sur le lien "Download Page" en bas de la liste
- Dans la page, "Download a Copy of Your Page, Get a copy of your Pages posts, photos, videos and Page Info.", cliquer sur le lien "Get Started".
- Un premier courriel et une notification sont envoyés.
We're creating a copy of ... We'll let you know when it's ready to download.
You recently requested a copy of your Facebook Page: ....
We'll send you another email with a link to your download when it's ready. For security reasons, the link will only work for a few days after being sent, so please monitor your email for our message. If the link doesn't work by the time you read your email, you'll have to restart the download. - Un deuxième courriel est envoyé + une notification
A copy of ... is ready for you to download
A file including your Page posts, photos, videos and Page Info is ready to download. If you save or share this file with other people or sites, keep in mind that your content may contain private information. This link will be available for 4 days. If you need to download a copy again but the link is unavailable, visit the Download Page section of your Page Settings to try again.
Il faut cliquer sur le mot "link" en tout petit. - La page "A Copy of Your Page is Read to Download" s'affiche. On clique encore sur "Download Page".
- Un popup "Start download" s'affiche. On clique sur "Click here to download".
- Le téléchargement commence...
Contenu du zip
/ admins/ index.htm basic_info/ index.htm contact_info/ index.htm photos/ album_.../ static/ photo_.../ index.htm static/ cover_....jpg index.htm settings/ timeline/ section_..._..._.../ (nos propres publications texte) index.htm videos/ index.htm index.htm
Note le HTML est invalide, pas de déclaration de charset, balise DIV à l'intérieur d'une balise P.
Ne contient pas la liste des likes, ne contient pas les messages des usagers ou nos messages.
Dernière modification: 2018-03-12 08:52:48 par Yan Morin
Hébergé par ProgYSM