% : nom du fichier en cours (test.txt) %:p : chemin complet du fichier en cours (/home/user/test.txt) %:p:h : répertoire complet du fichier en cours (sans le nom du fichier et sans le dernier /, /home/user.txt)
Changer le répertoire en cours: :cd repertoire
Changer les couleurs affreuses de vimdiff (dans le fichier ~/.vimrc)
highlight DiffAdd cterm=none ctermfg=white ctermbg=green highlight DiffDelete cterm=none ctermfg=white ctermbg=Red highlight DiffChange cterm=none ctermfg=black ctermbg=Yellow highlight DiffText cterm=none ctermfg=white ctermbg=Magenta
Remplacer <92> par un ' :%s/[\x92]/'/g
vim + tmux
Avec Vundle et vim+tmux
#vundle git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim # .vimrc set nocompatible filetype off set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim call vundle#begin() Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim' Plugin 'christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator' call vundle#end() filetype plugin indent on # .tmux.conf # Smart pane switching with awareness of Vim splits. # See: is_vim="ps -o state= -o comm= -t '#{pane_tty}' \ | grep -iqE '^[^TXZ ]+ +(\\S+\\/)?g?(view|n?vim?x?)(diff)?$'" bind-key -n C-h if-shell "$is_vim" "send-keys C-h" "select-pane -L" bind-key -n C-j if-shell "$is_vim" "send-keys C-j" "select-pane -D" bind-key -n C-k if-shell "$is_vim" "send-keys C-k" "select-pane -U" bind-key -n C-l if-shell "$is_vim" "send-keys C-l" "select-pane -R" bind-key -n C-\ if-shell "$is_vim" "send-keys C-\\" "select-pane -l" bind-key -T copy-mode-vi C-h select-pane -L bind-key -T copy-mode-vi C-j select-pane -D bind-key -T copy-mode-vi C-k select-pane -U bind-key -T copy-mode-vi C-l select-pane -R bind-key -T copy-mode-vi C-\ select-pane -l
Commande tmux: CTRL % (split). Commande Vim: CTRL-H (gauche), CTRL-L (droite), CTRL-J (haut), CTRL_K (bas)
Source: christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator
Mes configs
syntax on " indentation selon le langage avec = let PHP_vintage_case_default_indent = 1 filetype plugin indent on " pathogen from " SyntasticCheck from " deb package phpcode-sniffer execute pathogen#infect() set nu set ai set ts=4 set et set sts=4 set sw=4 set listchars=tab:»»,trail:-,nbsp:£ set list set iskeyword+=-,: set pastetoggle=<F3> let php_parent_error_close = 1 let php_folding = 0 let php_noShortTags = 1 let php_sql_query = 0 " let g:syntastic_xml_checkers=[] let g:syntastic_php_checkers=['php', 'phpcs'] let g:syntastic_php_phpcs_args='--standard=PSR12 -n' let g:syntastic_javascript_checkers=['nodejs'] " appuyer sur "i" et F3 pour activer/désactiver le mode insertion (collage) " pareil que :set paste / :set nopaste set pastetoggle=<F3> highlight DiffAdd cterm=none ctermfg=white ctermbg=green highlight DiffDelete cterm=none ctermfg=white ctermbg=Red highlight DiffChange cterm=none ctermfg=black ctermbg=Yellow highlight DiffText cterm=none ctermfg=white ctermbg=Magenta
Indentation des array() php avec vim
Actuel: autoindent, expandtab, softtabstop=4, tabstop=4, filetype=php, shiftwidth=4, syntax=php
/usr/share/vim/vim80/syntax/php.vim, Jason Woofenden (Last Change: Dec 11, 2016)
Indentation actuelle avec la commande =
$a = array( 'ab', 'cd' );
Résultat attendu:
$a = array( 'ab', 'cd' );
Test #2,
1. installer vundle 2. résolu: $a = array( 'ab', 'cd' ); // avec filetype plugin indent on ???
Debugging with vim-vdebug, xdebug and vim-nox
cd ~/.vim/bundle git clone sudo apt install vim-nox php-xdebug ~/.vimrc call pathogen#helptags() # checking if xdebug is there php -m | grep xdebug in vim, press <F5> in another window, launch script with XDEBUG_CONFIG="idekey=xdebug" php -d xdebug.remote_enable=1 file.php in vim, press <any key> or wait other key: <F2> step over, <F3> step into , <F9> go to cursor, <F10> toggle breakpoint press <F6> to end :tabclose to close tab
Dernière modification: 2020-02-04 14:37:48 par Yan Morin
Hébergé par ProgYSM